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able to retire

Mr and Mrs A had lived in their home for over 20 years and although were getting a bit older, at 63 and 65, did not want to downsize at all. Their home had space for visits from their children and room for the grandchildren to play in and so was ideal.

Their issue was that Mrs A was wanted to retire, which would see a drop in income until the State Pension kicked in, which would not be a few years. On top of this, Mr A wanted to reduce his working hours, so that he could enjoy more time with his wife and helping with the grandkids.

They had worked out that they would see a drop in income of around £20,000 a year and did not want their quality of life to be affected by the decisions.

Our adviser sat with Mr and Mrs A, and looked at all viable alternatives, before concentrating on a Lifetime Mortgage as an ideal solution.

Mr and Mrs A were worried that they were too young for these plans and did not want lots of interest to build up against the property, meaning that there would be “nothing left” in their words, at the end for their children.

Our adviser explained that the two best ways to combat a build of interest in future were to either:


Initially take only what was needed for the first 12 months and then have a drawdown facility set up so that more money could be taken as and when required. This way interest would only be charged on what has been actually taken and used, rather than on the whole facility.


Consider making payments on the loan. This would help the build up of any interest to be at a slower rate.

Our adviser showed the clients what would be owed in the future if they made no repayments and repaid various amounts of their choice, whilst giving examples of what their home might be worth over this period of time.

After understanding all of this information, the clients took out an initial loan of £20,000 with a drawdown facility of £200,000. When taking into account future pension income, they felt that this buffer would give them another 20 years of peace of mind and were happy with what might be left to their loved ones.

Please contact us today to find out how we can help you release the potential in your home with equity release.  Whether it is to help the family, do some home renovations or that holiday you have always been dreaming of. The team at Viva Retirement Solutions are here to help you with your equity release goals.

We take your privacy very seriously and will only use your personal information to provide the products and services you requested. Read our Privacy Policy on this website to see how we protect and manage your data.

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A lifetime mortgage is a long term commitment which could accumulate interest and is secured

against your home.   Equity release is not right for everyone and may reduce the value of your estate

Our fee for arranging a Lifetime mortgage is £995 payable only on completion. 

Research has shown that some companies charge £1,895 for this service.

Viva Retirement Solutions is a trading name of Viva Retirement Ltd and is an Appointed Representative of Stonebridge Mortgage Solutions Ltd, and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.  We are entered on the Financial Services Register under firm reference number: 604664.

Registered Office: 4 Severnvale, London Colney, St Albans, Herts, AL2 1TE

Registered Company Number: 10756078 Registered in England & Wales

© 2025 Viva Retirement Solutions

Equity Release Council
Viva Retirement Solutions
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