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advised not to release

Mrs B contacted Viva Retirement as she had been struggling to make ends meet following the death of her husband who had been the main breadwinner of the family for many years. She had her home, which was mortgage free, but had seen the income that she was used to, drop severely.

Mrs B had been making up the shortfall by using her savings, but now these were coming to an end too and she was panicking.

Our adviser went to visit Mrs B to understand her situation and really get into what she wanted as an outcome. She was happy with her lifestyle, but wanted to be able to afford living where was and wanted to be able to afford to carry on shopping in Marks and Spencer, with maybe a holiday here and there with her daughter.

Our adviser took a detailed look at income and expenditure and with the approval of Mrs B, conducted a Means Tested Benefits Assessment. Based on everything that the adviser was told, they worked out that not only could Mrs B potentially be eligible for full Council Tax Benefit, but she could also be eligible for a top up of her pension with an extra £40 per week Pension Credit.

Mrs B was overwhelmed and our adviser helped her through the process of claiming these benefits, whilst promising to re-look at her situation with her after this claim.

After a successful claim, it could be seen that in actual fact, Mrs B would be able to afford to live the lifestyle that she wanted, without drawing any money from property at all.

Mrs B was still able to go on holiday with the help of family and therefore it was agreed that she would have an annual catch up with our adviser, where if needed, she could at any point look at a Lifetime Mortgage which would have a drawdown facility for her to use over the coming years.

Mrs B was extremely grateful to our adviser and could not believe that a company would give this advice and not charge her a penny!!

Please contact us today to find out how we can help you release the potential in your home with equity release.  Whether it is to help the family, do some home renovations or that holiday you have always been dreaming of. The team at Viva Retirement Solutions are here to help you with your equity release goals.

We take your privacy very seriously and will only use your personal information to provide the products and services you requested. Read our Privacy Policy on this website to see how we protect and manage your data.

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A lifetime mortgage is a long term commitment which could accumulate interest and is secured

against your home.   Equity release is not right for everyone and may reduce the value of your estate

Our fee for arranging a Lifetime mortgage is £995 payable only on completion. 

Research has shown that some companies charge £1,895 for this service.

Viva Retirement Solutions is a trading name of Viva Retirement Ltd and is an Appointed Representative of Stonebridge Mortgage Solutions Ltd, and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.  We are entered on the Financial Services Register under firm reference number: 604664.

Registered Office: 4 Severnvale, London Colney, St Albans, Herts, AL2 1TE

Registered Company Number: 10756078 Registered in England & Wales

© 2025 Viva Retirement Solutions

Equity Release Council
Viva Retirement Solutions
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