As we continue to offer nationwide equity release and lifetime mortgage advice during Coronavirus lockdown, we continue to share how we have helped our clients. Later life lending continues to grow in popularity, especially in these difficult times when access to funds becomes harder.
This week, we have just completed a Lifetime Mortgage for a couple who were able to help their children and their family business stay afloat in these times.
As well give themselves money for a much needed holiday when they are allowed to fly and emergencies to safeguard their own future.
Releasing equity to fund businesses has become a growth area for later life lending during coronavirus. Whether it is directly for our clients or to support family members, we are pleased to be able to help to support the small business community.
Also, having a safety net of some additional capital from releasing equity provides many of our clients with some much needed reassurance in retirement and to be prepared for that rainy day.
If you would like to see how we can support you with helping you with your retirement income through later life lending and equity release, please contact us today.