Since we joined VouchedFor in 2021, we have consistently gained a high average of ratings which has enabled us again to be recognised as a top rated advice firm.
We couldn't do this without our professional team of equity release advisers working with some amazing clients who take the time to leave us five star reviews.
What did we need to do to qualify?
To be recognised as a top rated firm of advisors, we had to demonstrate a commitment to transparency by regularly inviting all our clients to leave a review on VouchedFor. We have also agreed with vouchedFor that our reviews are audited to ensure that we have invited all of our qualifying clients to ensur all opinions are considered.
We have proved that our clients are engaged by securing a high response rate on our reviews.
We have demonstrated that we have happy clients by achieving a high average rating scored out of five.
VouchedFor also apply industry related benchmarks to these reviews as defined by their Elevate platform. This is based on over 300,000 reviews they have collected over the past 12 years.
VouchedFor said of the recognition of all the top rated firms:
" 2022 wasn't an easy year on many fronts. Reading some of these Top Rated Firms' client reviews bears testament to the important role good financial advice plays in creating peace of mind and helping people to achieve their goals".
If you would like to take some of our five star advice, please contact us to arrange a free no obligation consultation.